
Once upon a time there was a man who was alive.

Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States
St. Cuthbert and Disciples in a Boat


Found this story linked from Razormouth. My grandmother is very much caught up in the wiles of Hinn and his ilk- we've tried to warn her, but she doesn't believe us I don't think. I'm pretty sure she has sent TBN money, and perhaps Hinn. And he needs no money, even if he wasn't a greedy coniving heretic- according to the report, the man has an income of some 100 million dollars per year: all of which is, incredibly, tax free. And yet so many Christians are taken in by him: and I must admit, he plays his game well, better than many "faith-healers". These false-teachers do much harm to the truth: not only do they decieve and offer false hope, they project a horrible image to non-believers.


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