'S e Dia as tèarmann dhuinn gu beachd,
ar spionnadh e 's ar treis:
An aimsir carraid agus teinn,
ar cobhair e ro-dheas.
Mar sin ged ghluast’ an talamh trom,
chan adhbhar eagail dhuinn:
Ged thilleadh fòs na slèibhtean mòr’
am buillsgean fairg’ is tuinn.
God is our refuge and our strength,
in straits a present aid:
Therefore, although the earth remove,
we will not be afraid:
Though hills amidst the seas be cast:
Though waters roaring make,
And troubled be; yea, though the hills
by swelling seas do shake.
Once upon a time there was a man who was alive.
Here is a Gaelic Psalm from the Scottish Highlands, found it at this site. Sung to a ballad metre, these are wonderfuly moving Psalms, and still survive- albiet tenuosly- among the small Gaelic-speaking Presbyterian congregations of the Highlands, especially in the Herbrides. I purchased a recording of six Psalms- three sung by individuals, the other three in congregations- from Greentrax in Scotland {who also have some the finest Scottish traditional and not-so-traditional music around}. I enjoy playing the cd while in morning and evening devotions and meditations, as it's provides a buffer to the outside world without being distracting. I cannot really distinguish what is being said, for even if my Gaelic was good, the precentor and the congregation meld their voices into a slowly rhythmic stream. I hope to make it over to the Isles one day and attend a Gaelic service myself before the tradition fades forever. Though, perhaps, Gaelic will survive- I certainly hope so.
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