
Once upon a time there was a man who was alive.

Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States
St. Cuthbert and Disciples in a Boat



Quaking, quailing shook from bower to earth-slaking
Quick-gold, yare-shimmered and shorn
Leaf-lapping on wind’s heavingbreath breaking
Here held, each leaf a cathedraled cloister borne
Garnished in praise, gelded in gold, light-sheening
Soft speaks: praises Him, all Sustainer
Word wrought, holds to being.

Sifting-gold lift praise! Sheening, richleaves fleeting
O praise Him, O blessed Son of God!

The inspiration for this poem came from the same spot as the one below {hence the similarities}. Hebrews chapter one speaks of Christ sustaining all that is, through His essence- everything was created through Him, and everything is sustained by Him. It is an incredible thing to dwell upon and contemplate.


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