
Once upon a time there was a man who was alive.

Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States
St. Cuthbert and Disciples in a Boat


It has been raining here for days now, and the weathermen tell us it is going to rain for days more. I can't say that I love dreary weather, for it's only enjoyable to me if I'm out in it. Mere overcast is not enough, either, as there must be a light mist falling and fogs wrapping up about the trees.

             An De Fluich

O! the world wears a Gaelic mood-
A deep mood, a gray-blued mood
All throughout and within her life
Thriving- here Gaelic corseted curve is rife
Of rained-tree wrought with water
Thrown up and under the dim rain-halter
Fog staved and fog blurnished
And all is swept, swept and burnished
With Gaelic rain and with Gaelic shroud
Here yaupon whispers not over-loud
Weighed down with life and watered-brow
Here the soft leaows are now
Softer yet, yet set quick-yare
And birds call forth from rain-holt lair
Of brushed leaf borne with fog-
All is kegged and embowered, shunted over and shaughed
Neath Gaelic mood, over the world- brief yet- broods.

An De Fluich is Gaelic for "the wet day", if I'm recalling correctly. Fluich- flook- sounds lovely anyway.


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