
Once upon a time there was a man who was alive.

Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States
St. Cuthbert and Disciples in a Boat


So You're A Catholic?

In philosophy class to-day we began discussing Plato and his doctrine of forms. For some reason or another, I brought up St. Augustine and St. Maximus as Christian thinkers who were influenced by Plato- or rather, the Neoplatonists. At the end of class one of my classmates commented to me that I was evidently well-versed in such matters, to which I replied that I read the Church Fathers a good bit. His reply I thought rather interesting: 'So you're a Catholic?' by which he meant, I would assume, one of the Roman sort. I replied that yes, I am in a manner, though not Roman, but of the Anglican persuasion.

It was rather odd (I somewhat felt as if I was being asked if I were a Muslim or a Hindu), but what struck me was the fact that my classmate connected the Fathers with Rome so naturally. It is not an unusual phenomena, I am afraid: far, far too many evangelicals (by which I mean the contemporary usage, as opposed to 'classic' evangelicalism) are oblivious to matters of the Church before the 20th century. And anything prior to the Reformation is considered the regime of hopelessly confused Catholics. The death of St. John signalled 'lights out' for the Gospel (until the last few hundred years) according to many evangelicals. Most of the Reformers even are quite out, and if they can be tolerated, they certainly aren't 'relevant'. Alas...


Middle-Earth Linguistics

For anything you ever desired to know (admit it, you can't sleep at night perplexing over the enigmacies of Khuzdûl and other sundry tongues- along with the windings of the royal lines of Numenor)
about the languages of Middle-Earth (and beyond): Ardalambion.